Remote Learning Days
Stratton Elementary Remote Learning Plan
This plan will be used in response to the district calling for a Remote Learning day due to the weather. We have developed this plan with the goal of providing consistent expectations between classes and grade levels, minimizing the time students spend behind a screen, and honoring their time with families. If families feel they need more work these days, our Specials teachers will provide activities for students as well.
- Attendance at 9:00 AM (WebEx)
- Check-Ins/Good things
- 15 minutes of face to face
- Assigned work
- no more than 30 minutes of Dream Box (Online Math Resource)
- This will be consistent across the school.
- Total School time: 45 minutes
- Specials Teachers will provide optional activities in Schoology
- Devices will be sent home if we see the weather coming
- Prior to sending devices home teachers will provide instructions on how to access WebEx and Dream Box.
- Info and details for these days will be broadcast to parents on Dojo and Portal by classroom teachers.
If you or your student has any difficulty accessing any of the resources, please start by contacting the classroom teacher. They should be able to assist or direct you to a staff member who can assist.